Logseq is an open-source note taking application that supports Markdown and Orgmode syntax. As it prioritizes privacy, everything is stored locally on your machine for the desktop and web applications. There’s not currently a mobile app, but there is an option to use git for note storage and link the repository with Logseq.
Logseq provides a very promising feature set: back links, note graphs (inspired by Roam Research), automated card creation (for learning), templates, and much more.
Logseq provides support for the following Markdown elements.
Element | Support | Notes |
Headings | Yes | |
Paragraphs | Yes | Every paragraph starts with a hyphen character (- )
Line Breaks | Yes | Use CR character (\r )
Bold | Yes | |
Italic | Yes | |
Blockquotes | Yes | |
Ordered Lists | No | |
Unordered Lists | Yes | |
Code | Yes | |
Horizontal Rules | Yes | |
Links | Yes | |
Images | Yes | |
Tables | Yes | |
Fenced Code Blocks | Yes | |
Syntax Highlighting | Yes | |
Footnotes | No | Not yet supported, but it’s on the roadmap |
Heading IDs | No | |
Definition Lists | No | |
Strikethrough | Yes | |
Task Lists | No | Logseq has predefined commands for this: TODO/DOING/DONE or LATER/NOW |
Emoji (copy and paste) | Yes | |
Emoji (shortcodes) | No | |
Highlight | Yes | |
Subscript | No | |
Superscript | No | |
Automatic URL Linking | Yes | |
Disabling Automatic URL Linking | No | |
HTML | Yes | Requires XHTML tags: tags must be closed or self-closing (e.g. <p/> )
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