Mark Text is a popular free and open-source document editor designed exclusively for writing in Markdown. Like Typora, Mark Text has a polished interface and a live editor that hides the Markdown formatting after you type it. The PDF and HTML export options are handy, as is the feature that allows you to copy text out of the editor as Markdown, HTML, or plaintext.

There are some minor annoyances. In several instances (noted below in the table), the appearance of the text in the application didn’t match the rendered output of the exported HTML and PDF. And as with Notion, it can be difficult to edit Markdown-formatted text after the live editor has converted it.

Mark Text Markdown Support

Mark Text provides support for the following Markdown elements.

Element Support Notes
Headings Yes
Paragraphs Yes
Line Breaks Yes There’s a discrepancy between the Mark Text editor and the rendered output when you press the Return key once — that does not create a line break in the exported HTML and PDF. You must use trailing whitespace or a trailing backslash (\).
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Blockquotes Yes
Ordered Lists Yes
Unordered Lists Yes
Code Yes
Horizontal Rules Yes
Links Yes For some reason, angle brackets for URLs and email addresses are rendered literally in the Mark Text editor. It’s a minor issue since the links are rendered correctly in the exported HTML and PDF.
Images Yes
Tables Yes
Fenced Code Blocks Yes
Syntax Highlighting Yes
Footnotes No
Heading IDs No
Definition Lists No
Strikethrough Yes You can use two tildes (~~word~~) or one tilde (~word~) — both work in the exported HTML and PDF even though the Mark Text editor only renders strikethrough with two tildes.
Task Lists Yes
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes
Emoji (shortcodes) Yes
Highlight No
Subscript No
Superscript No
Automatic URL Linking Yes
Disabling Automatic URL Linking Yes

See Also

Take your Markdown skills to the next level.

Learn Markdown in 60 pages. Designed for both novices and experts, The Markdown Guide book is a comprehensive reference that has everything you need to get started and master Markdown syntax.

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