Wiki.js is an open source wiki application that provides excellent Markdown support. I’ve been impressed by the quality of this free software and recommend it to anyone interested in a wiki for personal or team use. Wiki.js is easy to use and provides a number of powerful configuration options, including the ability to enable Pandoc for converting between markup formats, like AsciiDoc, and settings for enabling and disabling various Markdown formatting options. It works well out of the box and rivals many propriety software offerings.
This is a web-based application that requires a database, so installation could be a bit of a headache depending on your familiarity with command line utilities. That said, this is an open source project with fantastic documentation and support. If you run into problems, you could probably file a GitHub issue or swing by the Wiki.js Slack workspace.
Wiki.js provides support for the following Markdown elements.
Element | Support | Notes |
Headings | Yes | |
Paragraphs | Yes | |
Line Breaks | Yes | You can use a trailing backslash (\ ) instead of trailing whitespace.
Bold | Yes | |
Italic | Yes | |
Blockquotes | Yes | |
Ordered Lists | Yes | |
Unordered Lists | Yes | |
Code | Yes | |
Horizontal Rules | Yes | |
Links | Yes | You can link to other notes in Dendron by using the [[Link name|filename]] syntax.
Images | Yes | |
Tables | Yes | |
Fenced Code Blocks | Yes | |
Syntax Highlighting | Yes | |
Footnotes | Yes | |
Heading IDs | Yes | Automatically generated. |
Definition Lists | No | |
Strikethrough | Yes | |
Task Lists | Yes | |
Emoji (copy and paste) | Yes | |
Emoji (shortcodes) | Yes | |
Highlight | No | |
Subscript | Yes | |
Superscript | Yes | |
Automatic URL Linking | Yes | |
Disabling Automatic URL Linking | No | |
HTML | Yes |
As an added bonus, Wiki.js provides support for several obscure elements.
Element | Markdown | Rendered Output |
Abbreviation | *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C. |
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C. |
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